
Treatment of hay fever 

Hay fever is classified as a Type I allergy, and is offset when pollen in plants come into contact with the membrane in the nose or eyes. Symptoms include sneezing, runny and stuffy nose, and eye itchiness. 


There are 2 kinds of treatment: the symptomatic treatment whereby the symptoms are suppressed, and the definitive therapy whereby the aim is to cure the hay fever itself. There is also the initial therapy whereby the patient can start taking medication before the symptoms manifest themselves as a preventive measure. Once the symptoms worsen, it will be harder to suppress the irritation, so please come to our clinic as soon as possible. For the treatment of cedar pollen allergy, our clinic offers sublingual immunotherapy and hypodermic injection Xolair. 
Our hospital director has been treating patients through sublingual immunotherapy since it was first approved in Japan. The hypodermic injection Xolair has also been used at our clinic for the treatment of hives. The sublingual immunotherapy can also be used for mite allergy. 

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