
Skin Problems in Children

Children’s skin is thinner than adults’ skin, making it more sensitive to exterior stimulation. Children also tend to sweat more, allowing bacteria and viruses to spread and cause infectious diseases.

Seborrheic Eczema

A type of eczema seen in children. Yellow scabs and flaky skin are seen on the head. Symptoms appear when there’s too much secretion of oil from the head and face.

Diaper Rash

An inflammation to the part of the skin that comes in direct contact with a diaper, showing redness and rashes. Symptoms appear when the ammonia from urine and feces or the fiber from the diaper brush against the skin. It is important to maintain hygiene by washing the dirty areas properly.

Candida Skin Infection

Inflammation caused when the skin becomes infected with candida bacteria (type of fungus) that resides in feces. It is similar to a diaper rash, but when condition gets bad, sores may appear or the skin may peel. Symptoms may get worse with over-the-counter drugs, so please consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Heat Rash / Multiple Sweat Gland Abscesses

A heat rash is caused when sweat cannot be secreted due to pores that are clogged with dirt or scurf. If the child scratches too much and if the cuts get infected with staphylococcus, an inflammation otherwise known as multiple sweat gland abscesses may occur. This is a suppurative inflammation, causing pain and sometimes a fever.

Contagious Impetigo

Inflammation caused when a heat rash or bug bite is scratched too much causing cuts in the skin which then get infected with staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus. Very itchy blisters form and may become suppurative. It may be contagious so please refrain from going to the swimming pool and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

Characterized by a rash on the palm of one’s hands, elbows, back of feet, knees, or sores inside the mouth. Caused when one’s hands become infected with coxsackievirus or enterovirus. The sores inside the mouth are painful, so stick to mild foods.

Fifth Disease

Cheeks become red as an apple and a rash may be seen on the arms and stomach. Caused when infected with parvovirus. Patients may bathe, but it may increase itchiness so please be cautious.

Our Clinic’s Treatment Policy

Many skin problems can improve simply by keeping the skin clean or by adjusting the room temperature. In addition to prescribing patients with drugs, we also give advice on what they can do in their daily lives to improve their skin condition.

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