
Eyelid / Unilateral Facial Spasm (BotoxⓇ Treatment)

What is eyelid / unilateral facial spasm?

The spasm occurs when the signals from the brain are not properly transmitted to the muscles around the eyes and face. Eyelid spasm may not necessarily be a twitching movement. The initial symptoms include a discomforting or abnormal feeling in the eyelid or an increased frequency of winking. When the symptoms worsen, the patient may not be able to open his/her eye at her own will. On the other hand, unilateral facial spasm involves twitching of the muscles around the eye, cheek, or mouth on one side of the face. One side of the face continuously twitches against one’s own will.


For those who have been diagnosed as having eyelid / unilateral facial spasm, our clinic offers the BotoxⓇ injection. Results can be seen from 2, 3 days to 2 weeks and usually lasts 3 to 4 months.


BotoxⓇ Injection

Botox is a drug made from a toxin (natural protein) produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. The bacterium itself is not injected, so there is no danger of being infected by it. Medication is injected into the tense muscle in order to relax and soften it. For more details, please refer to GlaxoSmithKline's homepage

The BotoxⓇ injection for eyelid / unilateral facial spasm can only be performed by doctors who have been trained and certified. Our clinic director is certified to perform this treatment.


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